OK! After somewhere in the range of 25-35 full takes, most of which were 11-14 minutes in length, I arrived at a surprisingly tight, 8-minute take which dispensed with most of the fluff while hitting all of the most important points. It only took three little edits to cut out minor flubs. Next I combed through the video for stills I could use (this took another good hour or so, actually), uploaded them to Snappa (a similar alternative to Canva), and created a thumbnail I was happy with. Then I got the video and thumbnail up on my YouTube channel, in the appropriate playlist, double-checked everything, and published it. Here it is:

In terms of content covered in the video, I will need to do a follow-up video on the same topic to cover other important and interesting uses of inverted chords as well as more ideas about bass lines, but this is a strong and concise introduction to the subject that I’m pleased about.

I should generate a list of all the other sub-topics I want to cover in my next video to make sure I touch on all of them; I figure that’s my next step. I haven’t decided yet whether to include my little history of Rameau and modern chord theory—I’ll need to think about that…