Well, so, the semester has flown by and I have not achieved the high goal I had set early on of completing 3-4 videos in my instructional series. I had initially noted the highness of that goal, and it proved slightly too high in the end.

However, the impetus from this course successfully reawakened my dormant interest in the series and provided some badly needed momentum. With the topic list I generated and these past two videos now up on YouTube, the end of the semester feels as much like a beginning.

The process of preparing for and making these videos continues to be filled with learning at every bend. This latest one was tricky to figure out because it was a continuation of the previous, and yet I wanted it to stand on its own as well. Decisions about which subtopics to in- and exclude were ponderous at first and surprising at last. And, as previously noted, I felt the need to sketch an outline for this one, which helped a lot in boiling things down to a very reasonable video length—as did the editing process (obviously).

So I’m looking forward to learning more through the process of figuring out what I have to say on these topics (I know in advance that I have something, but I never know what exactly). And this winter break is looking like as good a time as any to get going on the next one. That said, my top priority will now shift to getting a long-awaited album of original music done and published, but it would be great (and seems kinda doable) to squeeze another instructional video in as well!

So…I guess I have the rest of the month’s work cut out for me.