It’s been a lot of practicing. Here are the results from a semester of pursuing musical growth:
Category: EDCI 306A
The four videos below document the period when I was working on learning this piece quite intensely and consequently made a lot of progress. Since then I have not found many opportunities to practice, but hopefully (once I get a few of my other class’s projects out of the way) I will be able to play more regularly again and continue with further updates. As things are, I’m quite pleased with my progress so far.
OK, I’m finally getting this blog going for my musical growth plan! The plan, in short, is to master the first variation (not the aria) of Bach’s Goldberg Variations on piano. Well, ‘master’ is a strong word. I will not master it. But I hope to learn to play through it fluently with few, if any, mistakes. It will be difficult.