Is this a post? (first thoughts)

Oh yeah—it’s a post alright. I have figured something out, all on my ownsies.

So far this process of setting up a website is…well, I predicted it would be onerous, but not actually this onerous. I was hopeful and even expectant of a little more intuitiveness. But so far, no. Everything involves looking around for something, and looking around for something takes time. The worst part is it’s time with nothing to show for it. Like, figuring out where to go doesn’t actually accomplish anything, it just means I finally know where to begin my next attempts to accomplish something.

In contrast to looking around for where to start writing my first blog post, actually writing my first blog post feels safe and easy—which is surprising. Writing is often painstaking for me, but at the moment, I’m sailing along without a care in the world…except what to do next after I finish writing.

I suppose the next thing to do will be to figure out what my project is about—what the thing is that I’m going to set out to learn or do. There’s some educational jargon-y phrase for what this project is, but I don’t remember it and I really don’t want to leave this page even for a moment right now (until I’m finished with the post) because it’s late enough at night that literally anything anywhere online is a potential rabbit hole. It’s just not safe for me to be wandering about alone out there at this hour.

But anyway, a topic—I don’t have one yet, and I envy everyone else who does. I remember Michael (our professor) saying or writing something about how it’s good to leverage student’s own interests in school, but I’m skeptical as to this being a good idea for me. I am very curious, very easily interested, but I’ve already flunked out of university once in my life and this time around I’m really trying to keep my eyes on the prize of the accreditation I’ll receive if and when I complete it. I’m an avid, inveterate learner, but I am not here to learn—I’m here to accomplish. Learning is a siren song that would lure my ship to the rocks. (So I tell myself anyway; I only half believe it.)

To do: think of something to learn/do, then announce it in my next blog post.

EdTech Inquiry

This is where Assignment 2: Educational Technology Resource Development will be presented when complete.

Image showing person walking in pre-marked footprints

Free Inquiry – Getting Rolling..

Is this going to show up as a post?? Let us see.

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